
Saturday, June 6, 2015

i ain't a weak girl!

Assalamualaikum :)

yah i'm single! 
i really happy of it....
cause Allah is always beside me.....

u have to know one thing, EX!!!!!

cause i realize, your love wasn't pure love.....

u invited me go to hell slowly!

i regretted what i had done with u.... yah i'm such a big sinner bcs ur damn love!

u ruined my worship, u ruined such of my dream, and u ruined my obey to Allah...

i'm really sorry if i blame u roughly..
cause u succed! to make a beautiful scars that would be never forgotten...
it's really hurt u know?!?!?!

no matter what u said about me...
i recognize, i'm so stingy, cocky.. but only for u i do that...

i don't want u! to come back even if u wanna be my buddy..
if u asked me that i had forgiven u or no? yes i had done it....

but please, don't come back! don't around my life!

cause i've promised to Allah :')

i'll avoid it, regret all my sins and always scare with Allah's torment.....

u r my past, always be my past, and u r my big fault....

Friday, March 6, 2015

free as a bird

i don't know why, i really love with that title. it means that i'm really free and i'm flying through the air... cause i'm too tired to think, i'm too shy to tell, and i'm too bored to pretend...

well, suddenly i wanna write something about u.
yes you...
someone who has walked away and erased me easily....

i hope you can read all of this :)

this night, suddenly i think about karate..
a sport which i had ever done..
but i forget all of "kata" and anything else...
i just remember your story....

do u still remember your story that u ever told to me?
the story when u won a competition in karate, and u always used unshu therefore u won...

aah definitely u forget all our memories hhh
it was not important for u, maybe...

and damn! i never see u showing unshu-_-
i guess u will look so awesome and make me speechless..
but u always denied if i had begged it to u....

u don't understand babe what a reason of that!!

cause i wanna fall in love more and more to u!...................................

but yeah, it never happen

you've walked away and you won't come.....

thanks for u ever been my patrick.............................................................................................................

and u must know one thing!

our memories still alive in my mind

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Sesaat yang mengesankan

Setelah mendengar berita darimu ...
Ku putuskan 'tuk tak menghubungimu lagi, karena aku tau, semua kan percuma..

ku lalui hari - hariku seperti biasa, tanpa ceritamu yang berbisik di telingaku..
ku sibukkan diriku ..
ku lelahkan jiwaku ....
hingga tiada bayangmu mendatangiku lagi...


tak terasa seseorang berani mengetuk ruang hati yang rapuh ini...

iya, seseorang yang baru...

entah darimana dia datang, tapi dia berhasil mengobati luka yang menganga ini...

ku coba membuka hatiku...
ku buka lebar - lebar...

Semoga engkau bahagia

Tak terasa sudah 4 tahun kamu berlalu dari hidupku.
Tapi bayangmu masih saja menghampiriku di setiap malam.

Aku lelah merindukanmu... Aku letih menepis rindu yang berlapis...
Aku ingin memandangi wajahmu walau untuk yang terakhir kalinya..
Engkau tak kabulkan pinta terakhirku..

Apa kau telah melupakan semuanya? Melupakan semuanya tentang KITA?
KITA yang pernah menjalani waktu bersama, melalui badai duka dan cita????!!!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Ku nodai cinta-Mu

Assalamualaikum War. Wab.
Selamat malam para pembaca yang selalu dirahmati Allah SWT...

Beberapa hari yang lalu saya mem-posting tentang rencana saya di tahun yang baru ini...
dimana saya akan fokus mengejar impian saya tanpa menulis artikel apapun hingga saya telah menjadi "orang", tapi maaf, saya mengingkari itu karena hari ini hati saya terpukul berat sedangkan otak saya terus memacu amarah hati saya.

Oke saya tau, anda pasti bingung apa yang saya maksud.
Jadi begini, di postingan sebelumnya, saya menulis bahwa akan meninggalkan semua yang berhubungan dengan hal-hal, hmm.. bisa dibaca sendiri posting sebelumnya:)

Hari ini hal itu terulang kembali, malah lebih!
Padahal awalnya saya bertekad kuat untuk meninggalkan hal tersebut..
Sungguh kuatnya syaitan yang menyilaukan pandangan saya hingga nafsu mengelabuhi saya...

Thursday, January 1, 2015

facing a real life

Assalamualaikum war. wab.
good morning readers:)
now we stand in the new year 2015!!! time to make the dream come true

this year is the last time for me to wear the uniform. certainly i'll miss it, but life must go on..
and the time is about 3-4 months...

of course i'll prepare all of the preparation for facing examination and also many test of university. such a study hard, pray on time, doing a good thing, obey to Allah's rule, respect to my parents. and avoid wickedness. i don't want to fail again. i wanna make parents proud of me.

and now? is the right time!!!

i acknowledge that the reality not always happen as same as our dream, but i believe, Allah will fulfil a wish of servant-Nya which want to try and surrender to Allah.

according surah Al-Baqoroh 2:186

وَإِذَا سَأَلَكَ عِبَادِي عَنِّي فَإِنِّي قَرِيبٌ ۖ أُجِيبُ دَعْوَةَ الدَّاعِ إِذَا دَعَانِ ۖ فَلْيَسْتَجِيبُوا لِي وَلْيُؤْمِنُوا بِي لَعَلَّهُمْ يَرْشُدُونَ
“And when my servants ask you, (Oh Mohammad) concerning me, Indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon me. So let them respond to Me, [by obedience] and believe in Me that they might be rightly guided.”

as servant, we should hang on our will, wish just on Allah SWT. cause Allah is our Lord. 
There's no comparation, if u hang on your wish to human, definitely you'll get disappointed.

from now i'll seldom write post in this blog, cause i wanna concent to my real life, to make my parents crying cause they proud having me as their child :'))) amiiinnnnnn.....

and i'll be back someday when i'm being a people as my praying :')) amiiinnnn

wassalamualaikum war. wab.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Ternyata Dia Bukan Matahari

Assalamualaikum war. wab.
Good evening guys, now i'll write my love story again but in indonesian :)

barusan saja saya mem-posting tentang love story, dmn hati saya telah terambil oleh salah satu yang tdk saya sangka.. dan setelah saya menulis post tersebut?

kehidupan saya kembali seperti dulu.........

saya berusaha menyibukkan diri saya untuk menutup luka yang teramat mendasar ini..
anda pasti tau? hubungan saya telah BERAKHIR....

ketika saya telah mulai untuk memperjuangkan tentang cinta itu, dan tiba - tiba dia memutuskan begitu saja karena ketidak sengajaan saya...
ya saya bisa apa? saya hanya bisa menerimanya.. memperjuangkan lagi? harusnya. tapi saya tak cukup kuat untuk membalikkan nasi yang telah menjadi bubur..

seketika itu hidup saya berubah..
saya lebih diam, saya lebih berfikir sebelum mengatakan sesuatu...
dan saya juga mencoba menghilangkan apa yang sudah biasa :')